Sunday, April 24, 2011


I am really bummed that I waited so long to actually start my blog about Japan. Better late than never I suppose, but I really missed out on writing about a lot of the experiences that we had when we arrived here - the excitment and nerves that we had those first couple months of being here. Luckily, last week we ran out of memory on our video camera and decided to go through and clean things out. As we were doing this we stumbled upon the apartment video that we took only one month after arriving here! Right after we took the video, during the first week of September, we tried to upload it but for some reason were unable to. We then put it aside and completely forgot about it. A nice surprise to be able to take a trip back to when Michelle and I first got here! You can definitely tell the video was taken in the heat of summer, with all of the bug noises and the fans going full blast. Please excuse our bad acting as well!

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